
Dr. Reid takes the time to tailor a targeted supplementation program that is specific to the type of cancer and symptoms a patient might be experiencing.

Dr. Reid understands how to identify not just the supplements that are most effective in any given circumstance, but also which supplements are most beneficial or potentially harmful.  He works to safely integrate them into an integrative cancer supportive protocol.

Targeted Supplementation can help support a person in the following ways:

  • Improving the quality of life during conventional cancer treatment protocols
  • Side effect management from both the disease and its corresponding treatments.
  • Decreasing traditional treatment breaks, or dose reductions due to side effects.
  • Potential to increase the effectiveness of conventional treatments.
  • Preventing recurrence
Glass of water and pills on a white background. Pills and a plastic water bottle. Taking dietary supplements. Food supplements to improve the functioning of the body. biologically active food